Welcome to the Esmond & Associates Website. We appreciate your visit. With our website, we have attempted to provide our clients and our visitors both relevant information about our Firm, and a source for financial and tax information. We have provided a profile of our Firm and the services we provide. We have also provided contact information for each of our Firm members, as well as directions to our office. Our website is just another example of how, at Esmond & Associates, we are constantly striving to provide superior client service.
As you browse through our website, you will see that we have highlighted background information on our Firm and the services we provide. However, while you are browsing our site, take a moment to see some of the extras we have provided. Take a look at our newsletter, updated monthly, to see how the latest tax and financial changes may affect you. We have also included some very useful financial calculators in our Financial Tools section. Check those out if you need a quick answer to a simple question such as should I buy or lease a car, or, does it pay to refinance. In addition, we have taken the time to gather links to external Websites that we felt would be of interest to our clients and visitors (in our Internet Links section).
While browsing through our Website, please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have - we'd love to hear from you. Let us know how we can improve the site to meet your needs.
We appreciate your referrals. Nothing says a job well done better than referring us a friend or loved one. We would be happy to speak with anyone you know that is in need our service.